My first idea is trees since i love the way branches and leaves grow. I've seen many interesting shapes within my community, and the surface texture were just fantastic. One of them looks like thousand layers of paper (the first image); one of them so tall and high, with a "v" shape and extended branches (second image); there is even one that has beautiful colors.
I know it might be hard to just make tree shapes out of paper mache or card boards, and it might become too repetitive, so i extended my concentration theme to a larger range - an eco-friendly concept. For example, make a flower with a crying countenance and put a foot above it, showing it is going to be stepped on. Or, make a hallow tree trunk that is almost in the shape of a wooden chair, indicating human beings are using them too muh.
My second idea is LIGHT AND SHADOW. It sounds vague, but i believe this idea has a great potential. We've seen artists playing with shadow using wires as the fundamental "lines"; i also know paper cuts can form interesting shadowing. This afternoon i saw a shadow of a straight string casting on a round object, and the shadow became round as well. I can probably play some tricks with light and shadow.
The third idea, a more personal one, is music. Music has played a huge part in my life, although it is never my school work to work on, or i can say, formal occupation, i've never doubt its importance to me. I won't just make instruments out of clay or paper, i will try to convey the emotion when i am playing music. I can make a sculpture of two tightened hands hold on a microphone to indicate the singer is singing a igh note - abstract but strong (first image). Or i can try to convey the atmosphere at a concert, like the guitarists jumping around (as shown in the second picture of a green day performance).
It is amazing how i came from no idea to these three ideas, and i think my 3D thinking is really evolving. Now i will try to evaluate these three ideas again and settle on one to work on with.